Reading Plan May Week 3

Tuesday – 05/14/19

Jeremiah 2:9-19  


1. How do you understand God’s laws? Which of His laws are most challenging to obey?

I understand God's laws by understanding the root cause or benefit of following His laws. Knowing why there is a law in place, or how it contributes to my relationship with God, is effective in helping me follow the law practically. His laws to deny myself and follow Him is the most difficult for me to follow, because I am so caught up in myself. I do not care for others as much as I should, and I do not fear God's holiness as much as I should either.

2. What things in this world entice you away from God? How is Jesus Christ much more satisfying than these things?

Material possessions, outward looks, career, and lust are just some of the things that entice me away from God. It's not that I prefer them to God, or my relationship with God, but it seems I have just forgotten how good God is, and how valuable a relationship with Him is. I have lost sight of the glory of God, the richness of His love, because I don't have Him on my mind and in my heart. I have chosen to place my attention on other things. I do want to saturate my life in the things of God again. To have Him be my everything, and for me to be fully satisfied with Him. Its a relationship I want to cultivate.

I need to listen to podcasts, watch sermons, read books, read the Bible, pray, pray for others, meet up with other believers, fellowship with them. I need to do everything I can to place God as a priority in my life.

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